Foundations and trends in communications and information theory,
Volume Designation
v. 3, no. 3
ISSN of Series
1567-2328 ;
Text of Note
"Originally published as Foundations and trends in communications and information theory, volume 3, issues 3 (2006)"--Page 4 of cover.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 107-111).
Text of Note
Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Binary-input symmetric memoryless channel -- 3. Jensen's inequality revisited -- 4. Information combining for SPC codes -- 5. Information combining for repetition codes -- 6. Applications and examples -- 7. Conclusions -- Acknowledgments -- A. Binary information functions -- B. Convexity Lemma -- C. Acronyms -- References.
Text of Note
Consider coded transmission over a binary-input symmetric memoryless channel. The channel decoder uses the noisy observations of the code symbols to reproduce the transmitted code symbols. Thus, it combines the information about individual code symbols to obtain an overall information about each code symbol, which may be the reproduced code symbol or its a-posteriori probability. This tutorial addresses the problem of information combining from an information-theory point of view: the decoder combines the mutual information between channel input symbols and channel output symbols (observations) to the mutual information between one transmitted symbol and all channel output symbols. The actual value of the combined information depends on the statistical structure of the channels. However, it can be upper and lower bounded for the assumed class of channels. This book first introduces the concept of mutual information profiles and revisits the well-known Jensen's inequality. Using these tools, the bounds on information combining are derived for single parity-check codes and for repetition codes. The application of the bounds is illustrated in four examples: information processing characteristics of coding schemes, including extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) functions; design of multiple turbo codes; bounds for the decoding threshold of low-density parity-check codes; EXIT function of the accumulator.