Shock wave II : an introduction to the twenty-first century / Clark Kerr -- Demographic and economic forces of change. Credential inflation and the future of universities / Randall Collins. Universities and knowledge : restructuring the city of intellect / Patricia J. Gumport. The competition for high-ability students : universities in a key marketplace / Roger L. Geiger. The new world of knowledge production in the life sciences / Walter W. Powell and Jason Owen-Smith -- Technological forces of change. Becoming digital : the challenges of weaving technology throughout higher education / Carol Tomlinson-Keasey. The audit of virtuality : universities in the attention economy / Richard A. Lanham. New business models for higher education / David J. Collis -- Continuity and change in fields of knowledge. The disciplines and the future / Andrew Abbott. The rise of the "practical arts" / Steven Brint. The political economy of curriculum-making in American universities / Sheila Slaughter -- Continuity and change in academic work and university governance. The "academic revolution" revisited / Richard Chait. University transformation : primary pathways to university autonomy and achievement / Burton R. Clark.
Education, Higher-- Aims and objectives-- United States.