What is a web page? -- Web designer's toolbox -- The myths of CSS -- Syntax: creating meaning -- Semantics: making sense of styles -- Vocabulary: talking the talk -- Designing with CSS -- Layout -- Typography -- Navigation -- Chrome -- The last word.
Text of Note
CSS is how the visual world of the Web is described. If you are a designer, it is the language you need to know to take your ideas online. Any book can explain how to code CSS, but you don't think in abstract code. You think in colors, forms, and compositions. You don't speak in code, you speak in styles. Speaking In Styles breaks down the walls between code and style, explaining in simple examples how to describe your designs for the online world. Find out what makes a Web page work and what tools you need to build one. Learn the syntax, semantics, and vocabulary of CSS without the technical jargon. Use CSS to describe the typography, color, images, and user interface of your designs. Stay up-to-date using this book's Web site: www.speaking-in-styles.com.
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Macmillan Computer Pub, C/O Pearson Education Order Dept 135 S Mount Zion rd, Lebanon, IN, USA, 46052, (201)7846103