What you need is a paradigm shift -- Don't stick a label on it! -- Why positive thinking is bad for you -- Be a Daruma doll -- Think your problem is managing time? It's not!!! -- What do you really do (part 1) -- What do you really do (part 2) -- What do you notice? -- Why affirmations can actually hurt you and what to do about it -- Not a trivial question -- Are you really happy? I suspect not -- Happiness is your birthright--grab it now! -- Invest in the process, not the outcome -- On wild horses and freedom -- Tamin the horses--and freedom -- The bard had it right! -- The scientist who cheated. You cheat too! -- A hugely important question: who am I? -- Another hugely important question -- There are no mechanisms! -- How big is your pile? -- Where are they now? -- It's your model--not reality!! -- Quiet the tumultuous horde! -- The question itself is irrelevant! -- It's not fair! -- The root of all your problems -- Is anything for real? -- Standing on slippery rocks -- What counts is what's inside you -- What to do when fear strikes -- Beware the stories you tell and the company you keep! -- A new model of the world -- Where does your journey take you?