Understand why employees come & why they stay -- Play "win-win" with your employees (and allow them to be all they can be for self and company) -- Cultivate leadership, not management, and know the difference! -- Provide ample and appropriate resources -- Demand contribution; Be worthy of receiving it -- Applaud effort; Reward contribution -- Cheerlead; The "magic" of M & Ms -- Build a workplace on a foundation of respect -- Cultivate the risk-trust dynamic -- Make room for fun in the workplace (nurture lightheartedness/levity) -- Create opportunities for employee "alignment" with vision, values, and mission -- Understand human capital -- Treat employees as "volunteers" : -- Know your culture -- Understand the nature of change and prepare your employees to embrace it -- Cultivate organizational ethics; Demand and reward ethical behavior -- The last, and overarching rule: tell the truth! (and a few action items to grow on).
Parallel Title
Seventeen rules successful companies use to attract and keep top talent