Introduction: who are the angels? -- The angelic realm -- Connecting with your angels -- Signs from the angels -- Angelic protection -- Angels help us to find what we're looking for -- Angelic help with relationships -- Angelic help for your career and life purpose -- Healing with the angels -- Angels on Earth -- Frequently asked questions about angels.
Text of Note
Angels 101 is a nondenominational overview of who the angels are; their role in various spiritual texts and religions; the ways that angels help us and how to call upon them; information on guardian angels, archangels, and departed loved ones; and frequently asked questions about the angels. No matter where you are on a spiritual or religious path, this book is sure to deepen your understanding and love of the angels?and it makes the perfect gift for someone new to these concepts! --Publisher's description.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Hay House Inc, Attn: Karen Po Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA, USA, 92018-5100, (760)4317695-109