This volume focuses on issues that will have a fundamentally pivotal character as we move into the new millennium, and its individual contributions all have a decidedly futuristic approach, i.e., they identify the nature of the choices or dilemmas these issues will present to us in the future, and the various resolutions that might be made regarding them. The three main topic areas in this volume are: (1) the dilemma of funding health care (H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Lawrence McCullough, and E. Haavi Morreim); (2) the human genome project (Eric Juengst, Jonathan Moreno, Dorothy Nelkin, and Diane Paul, and (3) the physician/patient relationship (Scott Devito, Kathryn Montgomery, Julie Rothstein, and Howard Brody). This edition thus focuses on (1) the most fundamental unit of care, i.e., the physician/patient relationship, (2) what may well be the area of medical science and research that most radically affects the nature of that care in the foreseeable future, i.e., the human genome project, and (3) the societal options for financing and distributing that care, i.e., the dilemma of funding health care.
Ethical issues in health care on the frontiers of the twenty-first century.