Book Cover; Half-Title; Dedication; Title; Copyright; Table of Contents; List of Figures; Acknowledgments; Foreword; Introduction; Reference; Part I Perspectives on Values and Educational Administration; 1 The Triumph of the Will: An Exploration of Certain Fundamental Problematics in Administrative Philosophy; The Will to Power; Grand Assumptions; Will, Affect and Circumstance; Malaise; Recuperation; The Education of the Will; Endlogic; Notes; References; 2 Moral Dimensions of Leadership; The Restructuring Agenda; A Process of Leadership for Restructuring Schools; Transactional Leadership.
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Academic Perspectives on Values in AdministrationA Syntax of Values Terminology; The Arenas of Valuation; Sources of Values and Value Conflicts; The Portrayal of Values in Theory and Research; The Values of Administration; What the Research Says; Applying Cognitive Perspectives to Values and Leadership; Information Processing Theory; Integrating Cognitive Theory with Values Theory; Value Conflicts in Administration; Conclusion; Notes; References; 5 Complexity, Context and Ethical Leadership; Linguistic Representations of Moral Knowledge; Codes of Practice; Moral reasoning.
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Disabling Competition: Inhibited the Development of Trust, Honesty, Mentoring, and CollegialityConflict Avoidance: Inhibited Compatibility, Shared Decision Making, and Honesty and Trust; Implications; Negotiation; Teacher Efficacy; Leadership; Conclusion; References; 7 The Value of Language and the Language of Value in a Multi-ethnic School; Methods; Language as an Issue at Suburbia; Language, Power and Value; Valuing English; Differentiating Forms of English; Valuing Language; Conclusion; Note; References; 8 Context and Praxis in the Study of School Leadership: A Case of Three?
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Non-Linguistic Representations of KnowledgeRepresenting Ethical Knowledge; Ethical Leadership; References; Part II Research on Values and Valuation Processes; 6 Inhibitors to Collaboration; Values as a Way to Explore Collaboration; A Multi-perspective Research Design; Sample; Procedures for Collecting Data; Findings; Overall Perceptions of Team Teaching; Overall Perceptions of Committee Structure; Collaborative Values; Discussion: Inhibitors to Collaborative Value Practice; elationships ... ; Time Constraints: Inhibited Shared Decision Making and Collegiality; of Empowerment ...
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Transitional LeadershipTransformational Leadership; Commentary; References; 3 Against Leadership: A Concept Without a Cause; The Leadership Phenomenon; Central Theses; Leadership and Effectiveness: The Current State of Play in Educational Administration Research; Leadership and Effectiveness: Early Conceptual and Methodological Criticisms; Leadership and Effectiveness: A Regressive Research Program; Leadership Naturalized; References; 4 Academic and Practitioner Perspectives on Values; Practitioner Perspectives on Values in Administration; The Changing Context of School Administration.
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Values and ethics have traditionally been considered an important influence on administrative practices, and are typically included as a component of core courses in department of educational administration in the US, Canada and Australia. The recent resurgence of interest among practitioners in the topic of values and ethics as a guide to action increases the importance and appeal of this book of readings. This comprehensive book extends beyond the presentation of 'expert opinion' and appeals to an audience of academics and practitioners working at the policy level of educational organisation.