Introduction -- Usual daily intakes of vitamins, minerals, and fiber -- Energy intakes -- Meal and snack patterns -- Food choices -- The Healthy Eating Index-2005 and sources of MyPyramid intakes -- Conclusion.
Text of Note
Meal and Snack Patterns; Meals Eaten; Snacks Eaten; Energy Density of Meals and Snacks; Energy from Solid Fats, Alcoholic Beverages, and Added Sugars in Meals and Snacks; Nutrient Density of Meals and Snacks; Summary; Food Choices; Food Choices - Supermarket Aisle Approach; Food Choices - Nutritional Quality Approach; Summary; The Healthy Eating Index-2005 and Sources of MyPyramid Intakes; The Healthy Eating Index-2005; HEI-2005 Scores for FSP Participants and Nonparticipants; HEI-2005 Components and Underlying Food and Nutrient Intakes; Summary; Conclusion; Key Findings.