Constitutionalism in an age of globalization -- Globalization and the reconfiguration of power -- The paradigmatic debate: liberal legalism and legal pluralism -- Internal legal pluralism and the interpretive question -- External legal pluralism and the instrumental question -- Legal pluralism and the politics of constitutional definition -- Rights constitutionalism and the counterhegemonic difficulty -- Conclusion: Towards a legal pluralist constitutionalism.
Text of Note
"Constitutional rights after globalization juxtaposes the globalization of the economy and the worldwide spread of constitutional charters of rights. The shift of political authority to powerful economic actors entailed by neo-liberal globalization challenges the traditional state-centred focus of constitutional law. Contemporary debate has responded to this challenge in normative terms, whether by reinterpreting rights or redirecting their ends, eg to reach private actors. However, globalization undermines the liberal legalist epistemology on which these approaches rest, by positing the existence of multiple sites of legal production (eg multinational corporations) beyond the state. This dynamic, between globalization and legal pluralism on one side, and rights constitutionalism on the other, provides the context for addressing the question of rights constitutionalism's counterhegemonic potential. This shows first that the interpretive and instrumental assumptions underlying constitutional adjudication are empirically suspect: constitutional law tends more to disorder than coherence, and frequently is an ineffective tool for social change. Instead, legal pluralism contents that constitutionalism's importance lies in symbolic terms as a legitimating discourse."--Jacket.