Cover; Preface; Acknowledgement; Contents; Chapter 1 Introduction- Marketing and Law- Marketing Decisions within the Legal Framework; Chapter 2 Marketing Laws -- To Protect the Consumers, Business, and Society; Chapter 3 Consumer Rights and Consumer Protection Law -- Changing the Power Equation; Chapte 4 Trade Practices and Competition -- Legislation to Curb Unfair, Restrictive and Anti-competitive Trade Practices; Chapter 5 Product Sales and Hire-Purchase -- Contractual Rights and Obligations; Chapter 6 Product -- Legal Issues in Product Development and IPR Protection.
Text of Note
About the Book: The book covers Indian laws, which influence the marketing decision-making process in the business organizations. The provisions of the laws are explained and supported by the court judgments in the form of cases at the end of each chapter, keeping in view the requirements of DBM, PGDBA, MMS and MBA students specializing in marketing management. This book is designed to prepare the students of marketing to understand the legal implications of their day-to-day or strategic decisions in product or service marketing. He need not be a legal expert, but he should have enough know.