Be a coach -- Motivate them -- Ask for their opinions -- Admit your mistakes -- Be accessible -- Be a good listener -- Ask good questions -- Welcome complaints -- Coach one-on-one -- Watch your language -- Celebrate the differences -- Empower independent employees -- Make the call -- Solve problems together -- Deliver the bad news personally -- Don't act out of anger -- Avoid memo mania -- Manage meetings -- Train them -- stress the positive -- Reward what you want back -- Provide positive feedback -- Advocate for your employees -- Just get started.
Text of Note
"The most effective supervisors are the ones who work with, not against, their employees. A boss needs to encourage employees to use their strengths and talents for the betterment of the organization, as well as their own careers. In How to Be a Great Coach, you'll find proven methods and best practices for becoming a manager who uses motivation, not intimidation."--Book jacket.