I. THE CRISIS IN A BARREL. Dec. 2005: the month the devil wept his trillionth tear -- What is peak oil? Hubbert's Peak -- Types of oil -- Refining -- Oil prices -- Reserves revisions -- Importance of giant oil fields -- When is the peak? -- Exports -- Reserve replacement and deepwater drilling -- Differing projections -- Drilling like never before -- Infrastructure issues -- The bottom line on peak oil -- The hard truth -- Wanted: 5 new Saudi Arabias -- Global demand & population -- China & India -- Making up for depletion -- U.S. dependence -- Investment opportunities -- 480 dollars a barrel: the true value of oil -- Cheaper than water -- Draining the national coffers -- The true cost of oil -- Government subsidies -- Environmental costs -- Climate change cost -- Natural capital costs -- The Pentagon prepares for peak oil -- Reduce dependence on oil -- Reduce CO2 emissions -- Staunch the bleeding -- Invest heavily in renewables -- Policy recommendations -- Solar for China? -- II. MAKING MONEY FROM THE FOSSIL FUELS THAT ARE LEFT. Twilight for fossil fuels -- Natural gas -- Coal -- Diminishing returns and receding horizons -- Energy return on investment -- Global warming -- Tar sands: the oil junkie's last fix -- Oil shale.
Text of Note
III. ENERGY AFTER OIL. The renewable revolution -- Oil and gas executives want renewables -- World Bank financing -- Biofuels -- Endless energy: here comes the sun -- A short history of solar technologies -- The sky's the limit -- Photovoltaics takes center stage -- Grassroots momentum -- Investment opportunities -- Pressure cooker: tapping the earth's heat -- What is geothermal power? Benefits of geothermal power -- Explosive growth -- Investment opportunities -- Nuclear's second act -- Nuclear potential -- China and nuclear power -- Limits to nuclear power -- Investment opportunities -- What's needed: a Manhattan project for energy -- The importance of timely response -- Apollo Alliance -- Carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems -- Gasoline taxes -- Negawatts -- Oil depletion protocol -- Replacing the fleet -- Combined heat and power -- Smart grids -- Wind energy -- Wave and tidal energy -- Relocalization -- The hydrogen economy -- A future electric -- The rail revolution, part 2 -- Electrified cars -- All-electric -- Why we're energy optimists -- A harsh reality -- Foresight is 2020 -- Never sell short humanity -- Appendices: Energy units and equivalences tables -- Top oil producers and peak production -- Energy mix charts.
Text of Note
According to author Brian Hicks, we are facing the end of our oil-based economy. Not just the United States, but the world. But the coming oil crisis doesn't have to have_entirely negative implications. Profit from the Peak shows readers the potential upside to the end of oil and how this event can actually be a positive for investors. It will educate_investors on which companies and industries are best positioned to take advantage of the changing marketplace.