Childhood: normal development and psychopathology / Eric L. Scott and Ann M. Lagges -- Adolescence: neurodevelopment and behavioral impulsivity / Craig A. Erickson and R. Andrew Chambers -- Older men / Rani Desai -- Anxiety disorders / Carlos Blanco and Oriana Vesga López -- Depression / Yael Levin and Gerard Sanacora -- Substance use disorders / N. Will Shead and David C. Hodgins -- Antisocial personality disorder, conduct disorder, and psychopathy / Donald W. Black -- Sexual health and problems: erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and male orgasmic disorder / David L. Rowland -- Impulse control disorders / Jon E. Grant and Marc N. Potenza -- Posttraumatic stress disorder / Dolores Vojvoda and Steven Southwick -- Fathering and the mental health of men / Thomas J. McMahon and Aaron Z. Spector -- Men, marriage, and divorce / Scott Haltzman, Ned Holstein and Sherry B. Moss -- Body image and muscularity / Roberto Olivardia -- Aggression, violence, and domestic abuse / Caroline J. Easton, Tara M. Neavins, and Dolores L. Mandel -- Culture, ethnicity, race, and men's mental health / Declan T. Barry -- Mental health of gay men / Michael King -- Overcoming stigma and barriers to mental health treatment / Deborah A. Perlick and Lauren N. Manning.
Text of Note
It also includes contributions by today's experts in men's mental health.
Text of Note
This work gathers the latest research about men's psychiatric issues, from the difficulties in diagnosing male depression to strategies for engaging men in marital therapy. First addressing developmental issues specific to childhood, adolescence, and old age, the text then presents treatment options for an array of problems, from anxiety to sexual disorders to posttraumatic stress disorder. It also addresses psychosocial issues as they apply uniquely to men, such as fathering, marriage, aggression, and overcoming the stigma of mental health treatment, as well as a chapter on how men's ethnicity influences the effectiveness of therapy.