PART ONE: A ROCKY ROAD TO WAR: Amazing Encounter at Pier 66 ; A British "Mystery Plane" Vanishes ; A One-Man Espionage Apparatus ; Recruting Crossword Puzzle Geniuses ; New York's IRA Hoodwinks Spymaster ; Stalking a Soviet Defector ; Two Spies Roam British Ports ; Stealing Secrets by Mail ; "Simple Simon" Trips Himself Up ; A Taxi Ignores Theory ; The IRA Bilks and Abwehr ; Clash of Two Top Nazis ; Hitler's Pipeline into Washington ; A Senator Helps German Spy ; A Peculiar River Crossing ; Dame Fate Saves General Rommel ; Going in Style to a POW Camp ; Clanging Bells Rock Germany ; Did Premier's Mistress Influence Surrender? Venus de Milo Fools Germans -- PART TWO: THE ALLIES' HOURS OF CRISIS: Mission "Nazify" a Conquered Nation ; Curfew for Dutch Dogs and Ducks ; Wild Schemes for Saving England ; Curious Duel in British Skies ; A German Pilot's Unlikely Captor ; The Royal Navy's Invisible Ship ; Hitler's Plot to Murder Franco ; A Cleaning Woman Foils Hitler ; The Battle of the Birds ; Roosevelt in a Shouting Match ; Democracy in a Battlefield Hospital ; Strange Means for Urgent Warning ; A History-Making Encounter ; A Dedicated Blood-Bank Volunteer ; The Spymaster's Peculiar Scheme ; A Pursuit of Bugs and Lice ; A Cantankerous Torpedo ; Curious Death of a German Bigwig ; Ernest Hemingway Stalks U-Boats ; Fluke Saves a British Fleet ; The War's Craziest Wedding Scenario ; Two WACs on a Secret Mission ; Strange Place for Royal Jewels -- PART THREE: THE TIDE STARTS TO TURN: Navajo Code-Talkers Ignite Panic ; Adolf Hitler Plays Santa Claus ; Purple Heart Stripped from Sailor ; Saga of Top-Secret Maps ; Eisenhower Aide Helps Trick Germans ; The General's Pants Go AWOL ; Mystery of the Vanishing Report ; Hostile Horsemen Chase Airplane ; A Dead Sergeant Walks Away ; A Tank Commander's Close Call ; Espionage in the Vatican ; OSS Agent's Hidden Bribes ; An Unlikely Spy Scores Coup ; Eisenhower Disclosure Stuns Reporters ; An Horrendous Bombing Error Pays Off ; Freak Encounter in No-Man's Land ; A Mule-Borne Commander ; The Captain Refused to Be Killed ; Two GIs Beat Patton to Goal ; "Prescriptions" for the Lady Spy ; Huge Bonus for a Jungle Spy ; "The Madame" Was a Secret Agent ; A Movie Fan on Bougainville ; A GI Carries His Eyeball -- PART FOUR: BEGINNING OF THE END: An Odd Place for Spying ; Hitler's "Creatures" at Anzio ; American Spymaster Shocks London ; Exciting Races on a Beachhead ; A Social Visit to the Enemy ; The Spy Spent the War in Bed ; Secret Agent Saved by a Blacksmith ; A Bomb Explodes too Late ; An Ingenious Escape Artist ; A Prophetic German Cook ; Gods Smile on Teddy Roosevelt ; "Dont't Worry, I'll Shoot You First!" An Enemy Saves "Father Sam" ; Firefighters Center of Attention ; The "Mess Sergeant" Was a Lady ; Massacre in the Wrong Village ; A General Turned Fire Chief ; The Great Soap Bubble Scheme ; A Triumph for Two OSS Men ; Four Newsmen Bag a German Platoon ; German Shootout Among Themselves ; Ordeal for Missing Twins ; Parachute Pack Saves Trooper ; Drone Boats Go Berserk ; "Am I Having Hallucinations?" A Doctor Captures German Hospital ; A Colonel's Unique "Uniform" -- PART FIVE: ALLIED ROAD TO VICTORY: Banzai Charge in a POW Camp ; A Nazi Zealot Obeys His Führer ; Miracle Saves Woman Spy's Life ; The War's Unexplained Mystery ; Dutch Boys Capture Nine Germans ; Luck Runs Out for the Blue Goose ; "Baby Patrol" in Mo-Man's-Land ; Providence Saves a Polish Spy ; The Choirboys Plot to Doom Hitler ; "Kidnapping" a 30-Ton Tank ; A Hero "Resigns" from the Navy ; A Jeep Bonanza for "Scarface Otto" ; A Peculiar Reception Committee ; Hitler Humbles His Generals ; History Repeats for German Colonel ; A Jinxed Town in Belgium ; A French Woman Halts the Panzers ; Hex by a Lieutenant's Pal ; A Fluke Halts Eisenhower Trip ; A GI "Division" of Thieves ; The Miracle of Wiltz ; Unique Distinction for a Survivor ; Digging Up a Revered German Hero ; An Unlikely Battlefield Hero -- PART SIX: A SHAKY WORLD PEACE: Amazing Scenario in Manila ; Death Stalks a Navy Pilot ; Shootout at a Boxcar ; MacArthur Recaptures His Home ; Offering Up a Bonfire of Money ; A Tommy-Gunning Pilot ; God's Smile on German General ; A Tail Gunner's Miraculous Survival ; Curious Incident in a Command Post ; Hoax to Seize a Rhine Bridge ; Churchill "Consecrates" the Siegfried Line ; An Airman Dodges Certain Death ; Pilot's Prayer Gets Results ; Glider Used as a Weapon ; His Masseur Coerces Himmler ; A Surrender-by-Telephone Tactic ; Kidnapping Polish Underground Leaders ; El Darbo's Charmed Life ; Air Dogfight With Pistols ; Comic Opera in the Bavarian Alps ; Collaring a Nazi Bigwig ; Peculiar "Capture" of an SS Colonel ; Stalin's Son in Strange Mission ; A Scheme to Blow Up Japan ; Odd Interlude on a Train ; A Soldier's Thirty-Year War.
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Presents 140 stories based on interviews, archives, and declassified documents that tell of some of the offbeat incidents that occurred during World War II.