International perspectives on education and society,
Volume Designation
v. 8
ISSN of Series
1479-3679 ;
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Cover; Copyright page; Contents; List of Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Education for all: Paradoxes and Prospects of a Global Promise; Chapter 2. The Political Dimensions of International Cooperation in Education: Mechanisms of Global Governance to Promote Education for all; Chapter 3. The Market, The Nation and the School: EFA in Times of Globalization and Nationalism; Chapter 4. Grounds for Prioritizing Education for Girls: The Telling Case of Left-Behind Rural China; Chapter 5. Inclusive Education as a Strategy for Achieving Education for all: Perspectives from three Asian Societies.
Text of Note
Since the World Conference on Education for All (EFA) in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990, the push for modern mass schooling has become a primary focus of national education policymakers and researchers around the world. The EFA declaration that grew out of this conference served as a culmination of a century-long movement to transform existing national educational systems into the most comprehensive mass system of schooling ever devised. Comparative education researchers have been studying both the promises and the challenges surrounding EFA for decades, but in comparative education research litera.