A structural perspective of peptides from myelin basic protein / Maria Katsara [and others] -- Interactions of the 18.5 kDa myelin basic protein with lipid bilayers : studies by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and implications for generation of autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis / Joan M. Boggs [and others] -- Insights into the interaction of myelin basic protein with microtubules / Mauricio R. Galiano, Cecilia Lopez Sambrooks and Marta E. Hallak.
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Myelin basic protein interactions with actin and tubulin in vitro : binding, assembly, and regulation / Joan M. Boggs -- Molecular modelling of the interaction of myelin basic protein peptides with signalling proteins and effects of post-translational modifications / Eugenia Polverini -- Structure and dynamics of the myelin basic protein family by solution and solid-state NMR / George Harauz and Vladimir Ladizhansky.
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The properties and functions of the golli myelin basic proteins / Anthony T. Campagnoni and Celia W. Campagnoni -- Posttranslational modifications of myelin basic proteins / Robert Zand -- Deimination of myelin basic protein by PAD enzymes, and their role in multiple sclerosis / Fabrizio G. Mastronardi and Mario A. Moscarello -- Myelin basic protein-mediated immunopathogenesis in multiple sclerosis and EAE / Qingyong Ji and Joan Goverman.