Includes bibliographical references (pages 268-285) and index.
Text of Note
Multiculturalism and the postmodern critique: towards a pedagogy of resistance and transformation -- Critical pedagogy and the pragmatics of justice.
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Radical pedagogy as cultural politics: beyond the discourse of critique and anti-utopianism / Henry A. Giroux -- Schooling the postmodern body: critical pedagogy and the politics of enfleshment -- Border disputes: multicultural narrative, rasquachismo, and critical pedagogy in postmodern America -- White terror and oppositional agency: towards a critical multiculturalism -- Pedagogies of dissent and transformation: a dialogue with Kris Gutierez -- Postmodernism, postcolonialism, and pedagogy.
Text of Note
Critical Pedagogy and Predatory Culture is a major contribution to the radical literature on culture, identity, and the politics of schooling, especially as it addresses the challenge and the promise of school and social reform through what the author calls a "critical multiculturalism." The author's approach to what he calls "predatory culture" and his exploration of recent debates over the role of public institutions and the state within such culture offers the discerning reader a unique combination of neo-Marxist and post-structuralist theory--referred to by the author as "resistance of postmodernist critique." Readers are invited to construct a politics of resistance at the level of everyday institutional life and within other public spheres. Such a politics of resistance is discussed in detail as a form of critical pedagogy which the author develops from the work of the Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire, and, in a number of geopolitical settings, the educational left, including Deleuze, Guattari, Derrida, Foucault, Lyotard and others.