test your knowledge with the ultimate collection of amazing trivia, quizzes, stories, fun facts, and everything else you never knew you wanted to know /
A word from the head -- Whad'ya know about people? -- Whad'ya know about places? -- Things you should have learned in school -- Whad'ya know about science? -- Whad'ya know about odds and ends? -- Mikipedia entry.
Text of Note
"If you'd love to quiz yourself about what you know, and then fill your brain with thousands of fascinating and highly useful facts like these, look no further. (An as an added bonus, you'll get jokes and stories too!) Every weekend, radio listeners across the nation delight in the facts and fun of the hit show Whad'Ya Know? with Michael Feldman. Now, for the first time Michael collects the greatest trivia, quizzes, stories, and fun facts just for you." -- Dust jacket.