Preface; Contents; Opening address A . Hasegawa Y. Suzuki; Nuclear force and few-body systems; Hypernuclei and computational methods; Nuclear structure from realistic forces and shell model; Nuclear shapes and rotation; Light exotic nuclei; Light exotic nuclei and clustering; Heavy exotic nuclei; Mean-field methods and effective interactions; Shell structure in exotic nuclei; Deformation and shell structure; Excitation of exotic nuclei; Density and gamma-transitions of unstable nuclei; Spectroscopy of unstable nuclei; Poster Session; Program; List of Participants.
Text of Note
This book is a collection of invited talks, oral contributions and poster contributions devoted to advances in nuclear physics. It covers a broad range of topics on nuclear physics, including nuclear force, hypernuclei, nuclear structure, exotic nuclei, clustering, mean-field method, shell structure, nuclear deformation, unstable nuclei, and related topics.