Front Cover; Cereals Processing Technology; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1. Introduction; Part I: Cereal and flour production; Chapter 2. Cereal production methods; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Varietal selection; 2.3 Crop establishment; 2.4 Crop nutrition; 2.5 Weed control; 2.6 Disease control; 2.7 Pest control; 2.8 Harvesting and grain storage; 2.9 References and further reading; Chapter 3. Wheat, corn and coarse grains milling; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The evolution of modern flour milling; 3.3 The flour milling process; 3.4 Recent developments in flour milling
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3.5 On-line process measurement3.6 Automation and its role within the milling industry; 3.7 Milling research; 3.8 Optimisation of processes; 3.9 The future; 3.10 References; Chapter 4. Biotechnology, cereal and cereal products quality; 4.1 Introduction: productivity, product quality and safety; 4.2 Herbicide resistance; 4.3 Disease resistance; 4.4 Improved nutritional properties; 4.5 Improved processing qualities; 4.6 Improved cereal quality control; 4.7 Examples of transformed wheat and barley; 4.8 Examples of transformed rice and maize; 4.9 Future trends
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4.10 Sources of further information and advice4.11 References; Part II: Cereal products; Chapter 5. Rice production; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Rice grain quality indicators; 5.3 Rice cultivation, including genetic modification; 5.4 Processing issues; 5.5 Rice snack foods; 5.6 Rice noodles, parboiled and quick-cooking rice; 5.7 Canned and frozen rice; 5.8 Extruded rice; 5.9 Shredded rice; 5.10 Baby foods; 5.11 Puffed rice cake; 5.12 Rice Krispies; 5.13 Future trends; 5.14 Sources of further information; 5.15 Acknowledgements; 5.16 References; Chapter 6. Pasta production; 6.1 Introduction
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6.2 History of pasta processing6.3 Pasta-making process; 6.4 Advances in drying technology; 6.5 Raw material selection; 6.6 The future; 6.7 References and further information; Chapter 7. Asian noodle processing; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Noodle diversity; 7.3 White salted noodles; 7.4 Alkaline noodles; 7.5 Instant noodles; 7.6 Buckwheat noodles; 7.7 Future of the industry; 7.8 Summary; 7.9 General sources of information; 7.10 References; Chapter 8. Breakfast cereals; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 The industry and its structure; 8.3 Recent trends and technology developments; 8.4 The future of the industry
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8.5 Sources of further information8.6 References; Chapter 9. Malting; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 The UK malting industry; 9.3 Basic malting process; 9.4 Barley intake, wet bin storage, and drying; 9.5 Dry barley storage; 9.6 Malting plant; 9.7 Malt storage; 9.8 Automation; 9.9 The future of the malting industry; 9.10 Further reading; 9.11 References; Chapter 10. Breadmaking; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Bread dough development; 10.3 Breadmaking processes; 10.4 The character of bread; 10.5 Bread flavour; 10.6 Bread types; 10.7 What determines bread quality?
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Cereals processing is one of the oldest and most important of all food technologies. Written by a distinguished international team of contributors, this collection reviews the range of cereal products and the technologies used to produce them. It is designed for all those involved in cereals processing, whether raw material producers and refiners needing to match the needs of secondary processors manufacturing the final product for the consumer, or secondary processors benchmarking their operations against best practice in their sector and across cereals processing as a whole. The authorative guide to key technological developments within cereal processingReviews the range of cereal products and the technologies used to produce them.