Includes bibliographical references (pages 337-371) and indexes.
Text of Note
Unifying principles, galactic framework, and the holy grails of aggregation, Julia K. Parrish, William M. Hamner and Charles T. Prewitt. Part 1 Imaging and measurement: methods for three-dimensional sensing of animals, Jules S. Jaffe; analytical and digital photogrammetry, Jon Osborn; acoustic visualization of three-dimensional animal aggregations in the ocean, Charles H. Gree and Peter H. Wiebe; three-dimensional structure and dynamics of bird flocks, Frank Heppner; three-dimensional measurements of swarming mosquitos -- a probabilistic model, measuring system, and example output, Terumi Ikawa and Hidehiko Okabe. Part 2 Analysis: quantitative analysis of animal movements in congregations, Peter Turchin; movements of animals in congregations -- an Eularian analysis of bark beetle swarming, Peter Turchin and Gregory Simons; individual decisions, traffic rules, and emergent pattern in schooling fish, Julia K. Parrish and Peter Turchin; aggregate behaviour in zooplankton -- phototactic swarming in 4 developmental stages of Coullana canadensis (Copepoda harpacticoida), Jeannette Yen and Elizabeth A. Bryant. Part 3 Behavioral ecology and evolution: is the sum of the parts equal to the whole -- the conflice between individuality and group membership, William M. Hamner and Julia K. Parrish; why are some members more likely to be on the outside of the group -- testing the evolutionary predictions, William L. Romey; costs and benefits as a function of group size -- experiments on a swarming mysid Paramesopodopsis rufa fenton, David A. Ritz; predicting the three-dimensional structure of animal aggregations from functional consideration -- the role of information, Lawrence M. Dill, C.S. Holling, and L.H. Palmer; perspectives on sensory integration systems -- problems, opportunities, and predictions, Carl R. Schilt and Kenneth S. Norris. Part 4 Models: conceptual and methodological issues in the modeling of biological aggregations, Simon A. Levin; schooling as a strategy for chemotaxis in a noisy environment, Daniel Grunbaum; trail following as an adaptable mechanism for popular behaviuor, Leah Edelstein-Keshett; metabolic models of fish school behaviuor -- the need for quantitative observations, William McFarland and Akira Okubo; social forces in animal congregations -- interactive, motivational and sensory aspects, Kevin Warburton.
Text of Note
This book is about the ways in which many animals form groups, for instance, schools of fish, flock-of birds, and swarms of insects. Covering both invertebrate and vertebrate species, the authors investigate three-dimensional animal aggregations from a variety of disciplines, from physics to mathematics to biology. Researchers interested in behavioral ecology or modeling biological systems would benefit from reading this book.