Contents; Foreword; Preface; 1 Understanding Classroom Authority as a Social Construction; 2 Authority, Culture, Context: Controlling the Production of Historical Knowledge in Elementary Classrooms; 3 Playing With Pedagogical Authority; 4 Saving (and Losing) Face, Race, and Authority: Strategies of Action in a Ninth-Grade English Class; 5 Authority in Detracked High School Classrooms: Tensions Among Individualism, Equity, and Legitimacy; 6 Moral Order in High School Authority: Dis/Enabling Care and (Un)Scrupulous Achievement.
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7 Standards and Sob Stories: Negotiating Authority at an Urban Public CollegeEpilogue: The Sources and Expressions of Classroom Authority; Author Index; Subject Index.
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Describes and analyzes authority relationships in classrooms through explorations of theory, prior research, and contemporary qualitative studies. This book is aimed at teacher educators, scholars, policymakers, students of education, and practitioners who seek empirically based understanding of authority.