CALOR2002 was the 10th of the sequence of conferences that started at Fermilab in 1990--Conf. webpage, Feb. 20, 2004.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Introduction. Historical review of calorimeter developments / K. Pretzl -- Overview and status of calorimetry at LHC / D. Fournier -- Calorimetry in astrophysics / S.P. Swordy -- Calorimeter considerations for a linear collider detector / R.E. Frey -- Calorimetry design with energy-flow concept (imaging detector for high-energy physics) / V.L. Morgunov -- Calorimetry in astrophysics. Covener's report / T. Parnell -- ATIC, a balloon borne calorimeter for cosmic ray measurements / J. Isbert [and others] -- ATIC backscatter study using Monte Carlo methods in FLUKA & ROOT / T. Wilson [and others] -- A silicon-tungsten calorimeter for cosmic-ray physics / V. Bonvicini [and others] -- Electromagnetic calorimeter for the AMS-02 experiment / R. Kossakowski [and others] -- Performances of the AMS-02 electromagnetic calorimeter / P. Maestro [and others] -- The status of GLAST CsI calorimeter / A. Chekhtman -- Performance of GLAST calorimeter / R. Terrier [and others] -- Cosmic ray energetics and mass (CREAM): calibrating a cosmic ray calorimeter / O. Ganel [and others] -- VERITAS: a next generation atmospheric Cherenkov detector and calorimeter for gamma-ray astronomy / F. Krennrich -- Pierre Auger Observatory: the world's largest calorimeter / A.K. Tripathi -- Crystal Calorimetry. Performance of a small angle BGO calorimeter at BELLE / H.-C. Huang -- Performance and calibration of the crystal calorimeter of the BaBar detector / M. Kocian -- A systematic study of radiation damage to large crystals of CsI(Tl) in the BaBar detector / T. Hryn'ova -- Performance and upgrade plans of the BELLE calorimeter / B.A. Shwartz -- Development of Yttrium doped lead tungstate crystal for physics applications / Q. Deng [and others] -- Performance of PWO crystal detectors for a high resolution hybrid electromagnetic calorimeter at Jefferson Lab / A. Gasparian -- The PHOTON BALL at COSY / R. Novotny [and others] -- Performance of the PWO crystals of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter / F. Cavallari -- Avalanche photodiodes for the CMS lead tungstate calorimeter / R. Rusack [and others] -- CMS/ECAL barrel construction and quality control / E. Auffray -- Medical applications. Covener's report / C. Woody -- Synergies between electromagnetic calorimetry and PET / W.W. Moses -- New scintillating crystals for PET scanners / P. Lecoq -- A simulation framework for positron emission tomography based on GEANT4 / J. Collot [and others] -- Silicon calorimetry. Covener's report / D. Strom -- Performance of the OPAL Si-W luminometer at LEP I-II / G. Abbiendi [and others] -- The ZEUS hadron electron separator, performance and experience / P. Göttlicher -- Design considerations for a silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter for a linear collider detector / R. Frey [and others] -- A Si-W calorimeter for linear collider physics / H. Videau and J.-C. Brient.
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Scintillation calorimetry. Covener's report / M. Cavalli-Sforza -- Status of the ATLAS tile hadronic calorimeter production / A. Henriques -- Studies of the ATLAS tile hadron calorimeter performance / S. Nĕmeček and I. Korolkov -- An overview of CMS central hadron calorimeter / S. Katta -- Performance and calibration of the forward plug calorimeter at ZEUS / A. Benen -- Plug shower maximum detector for CDF Run II / A. Attal -- CDF II integrated calorimetry environment / S. Dell'Agnello -- Borexino: a real time liquid scintillator detector for low energy solar neutrino study / L. Miramonti -- The MINOS far detector construction and quality assurance testing / L. Mualem -- A new hermetic electromagnetic calorimeter design for future collider experiments / E. Kistenev [and others] -- The tile HCAL calorimeter for the TESLA detector, a status report / V. Korbel -- Electronics. Covener's report / J. Elias -- The ATLAS tile calorimeter front end electronics / F. Martin -- Overview of liquid argon front end electronics / E. Ferrer Ribas -- Front-end electronics for the CMS preshower detector / A. Go [and others] -- The front-end electronics for the LHCb calorimeters / D. Breton -- Front-end electronics upgrade for the CDF calorimeters / C.A. Nelson and T.M. Shaw -- The electronics of the new H1 luminosity system / V. Boudry [and others] -- The BaBar electromagnetic calorimeter in its third year of operation / I.G. Eschrich -- H1 calorimeter DAQ upgrade for HERA-II / D. Hoffmann, P.-Y. Duval and C. Vallee -- Ionization calorimetry. Covener's report / P. Schacht -- Argon purity measurement of the D0 calorimeter / A. Besson and G. Sajot -- The Run II DØ calorimeter: electronics upgrade and its performance / N. Parua -- ATLAS LAr EM calorimeter: construction and uniformity of response / S. Rodier -- Performance of ATLAS EM modules in test beam / D. Zerwas -- The ATLAS hadronic endcap calorimeter / M. Fincke-Keeler -- Performance of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter in beam tests / A.E. Kiryunin -- A high resolution luminosity monitor for SLAC experiment E158 / G.M. Jones -- Jet measurement. Jet measurements with the Aleph detector at LEP2 / M.N. Minard -- Calorimetry optimised for jets / H. Videau and J.-C. Brient -- The jet calibration in the H1 liquid argon calorimeter / C. Schwanenberger -- Setting the jet energy scale for the ZEUS calorimeter / M. Wing -- Jet reconstruction at CDF / M. Tönnesmann -- Suppression of pile-up noise in a jet cone / A. Savine -- DØ's recent results and experiences with the k[symbol] and cone jet algorithms / J. Krane -- Jet measurement in OPAL -- I. Nakamura -- Developments on jet reconstruction by DELPHI / A. Kiiskinen -- E-flow optimization of the hadron calorimeter for future detectors / S. Magill [and others] -- On the energy measurement of hadron jets / R. Wigmans, O. Lobban and A. Sriharan -- Perspective. The future of calorimetry in high energy physics / D. Green -- Future experiments in astrophysics / J.F. Krizmanic.
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Simulation. Covener's report / C. Seez -- QCD jet simulation with CMS at LHC and background studies to H[symbol] process / S. Shevchenko [and others] -- Comparisons of electron and muon signals in the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters with GEANT4 simulations / P. Loch [and others] -- Data volume reduction strategies in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter / P. Paganini -- Performance of CDF calorimeter simulation for tevatron run II / C.A. Currat -- Simulation of hadronic showers in the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters / A. Kiryunin [and others] -- MC simulation of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter performance / M.J. Varanda -- Simulation studies of the jet and missing transverse energy performance of the ATLAS calorimeters / M. Wielers -- Jet energy reconstruction with the CMS detector / S. Kunori -- Calibration & monitoring. Covener's report / M. Gataullin -- Calibration of the KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter / C. Gatti [and others] -- Monitoring and calibration of the BELLE electromagnetic calorimeter / K. Miyabayashi -- Calibration and monitoring of the ZEUS uranium scintillator calorimeter at HERA / M. Barbi -- Calibration of the PHENIX lead scintillator calorimeter / H. Torii -- DØ calorimeter calibration / U. Bassler -- Calibrating a longitudinally segmented calorimeter / O. Lobban -- The calibration of the MINOS detectors / R. Nichol [and others] -- First results from the MINOS calibration detector / P. Vahle [and others] -- Calibrating the SNO detector response / A. Hamer -- Time calibration of AMANDA: three variations of a theme of To / K.D. Hanson -- Absolute calibration of electromagnetic calorimeter at LHC with physics processes / L. Xia, T. Hu and R.-Y. Zhu -- Monitoring light source for CMS lead tungstate crystal calorimeter at LHC / L. Zhang [and others] -- LED based light monitoring system for the PRIMEX experiment at Jefferson Lab / S. Danagoulian -- Čerenkov calorimetry. Covener's report / S. White -- Influence of phase transition on the optical transparency of lead fluoride crystals / Q. Deng [and others] -- Explicitly radiation hard fast gas Cerenkov calorimeter / O. Atramentov -- Present status of CMS HF quartz fiber calorimetry / Y. Onel -- Calorimetry of the RICE detector / S. Razzaque -- Radiation hardness studies of high OH[symbol] quartz fibres for a hadronic forward calorimeter of the compact muon solenoid experiment at the large hadron collider / I. Dumanoglu [and others].
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Annotation The International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics has become the major forum for state-of-the-art developments of calorimetry techniques. The tenth conference was attended by about 150 physicists from 20 countries and covered all aspects of calorimetric particle detection and measurements, with emphasis on high energy physics experiments as well as experiments in nuclear physics and astrophysics. The proceedings contain three parts: introductory papers, contributed papers and a summary. The introductory papers start with a historical review of the development of calorimetry technology, and continue with overviews of the current status of calorimetry in high energy physics and astrophysics, which are followed by discussions on calorimetry in future accelerator facilities, such as linear colliders and the Super B Factory. A "hot" technology regarding the "energy flow concept" is also dealt with.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics.
International Standard Book Number
Parallel Title
Parallel Title
Calorimetry in particle physics
Calorimetry, Congresses.
Particles (Nuclear physics), Congresses.
Particles (Nuclear physics)
SCIENCE-- Mechanics-- Thermodynamics.
SCI-- 065000
Class number
Book number
Zhu, Ren-yuan.
International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics(10th :2002 :, Pasadena, Calif.)