What's the point? -- Founders -- Edward Tylor : the evolution of culture -- Lewis Henry Morgan : the evolution of society -- Franz Boas : culture in context -- Emile Durkheim : the organic society -- The nature of culture -- Alfred Kroeber : configurations of culture -- Ruth Benedict : "Patterns of culture" -- Edward Sapir : culture, language, and the individual -- Margaret Mead : the individual and culture -- The nature of society -- Marcel Mauss : elemental categories, total facts -- Bronislaw Malinowski : the functions of culture -- A.R. Radcliffe-Brown : the structures of society -- Edward Evans-Pritchard : social anthropology, social history -- Evolutionary, adaptationist, and materialist theories -- Leslie White : evolution emergent -- Julian Steward : cultural ecology and multilinear evolution -- Marvin Harris : cultural materialism -- Eleanor Burke Leacock : feminism, Marxism, and history -- Structures, symbols, and meaning -- Claude Levi-Strauss : structuralism -- Victor Turner : symbols, pilgrims, and drama -- Clifford Geertz : an interpretive anthropology -- Mary Douglas : symbols and structures, pollution and purity -- Structures, practice, agency, power -- James Fernandez : the play of tropes -- Sherry Ortner : symbols, gender, practice -- Pierre Bourdieu : an anthropology of practice -- Eric Wolf : culture, history, power -- Marshall Sahlins : culture matters -- Current controversies.
Text of Note
This new edition presents introductory anthropology students with a brief treatment of theoretical developments in the field. The key ideas of major theorists are briefly described and linked to the biographical and fieldwork experiences that helped shape their theories. The impact of each scholar on contemporary anthropology is presented, along with numerous examples, quotes from the theorists' writings, and a description of the broader intellectual setting in which these anthropologists worked.