The dawning. White bread and baseball ; Big night, big city ; "I gotta let the kid go" ; Marty Malloy, 2b ; The kid and the third baseman -- The striving. Saturday night at Dixie Speedway ; The great Wallenda ; The boys of Stalag Thirteen ; It's a mad, mad, mad whirl ; We were champions, once -- The gloaming. Mister Cobb ; The Billy Ray Hunsinger Show ; On the bus ; Whatever happened to what's-his-name? ; Yesterday's hero.
Text of Note
A veteran journalist's collection of sportswriting on the blue-collar South. Sport mirrors life. Or, in Paul Hemphill's opinion, 'Sport is life.' The 15 pieces in this compelling collection are arranged along the timeline for an aspiring athlete's dream: 'The Dawning, ' with stories about boys hoping and trying to become men, 'The Striving, ' about athletes at work, defining themselves through their play, and 'The Gloaming, ' about the twilight time when athletes contend with broken dreams and fading powers. Through all the pieces, Hemphill exhibits his passion for the sports he covers and a keen.
Text of Note
Master and use copy. Digital master created according to Benchmark for Faithful Digital Reproductions of Monographs and Serials, Version 1. Digital Library Federation, December 2002.