Gestation and birth -- Prematurity -- Growth and development -- Nutrition -- Health supervision and prevention of illness and injury in children and adolescents -- Congenital malformations and chromosomal anomalies -- Metabolic disease -- Immunologic disease -- Infectious disease -- Gastrointestinal disease -- Respiratory disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Renal, gynecologic, and urinary disease -- Hematologic disease -- Endocrine disease -- Neurologic disease -- Special organs: eye, ear, nose -- Musculoskeletal disease -- Dermatologic disease -- Psychiatric disease -- Pediatric life support.
Text of Note
This unique resource provides detailed how-to-succeed and what-to-study guidance from emergency medicine clerkship vets. Readers will find hundreds of recently tested high-yield topics from shelf exams and the USMLE Step 2 along with insider tips for outstanding performance from students who've been there and tear-out cards with essential wards information in pocket-ready format.