Part I. Introduction. Historical and current conceptualizations of eating disorders: a developmental perspective / Mytilee Vemuri and Hans Steiner -- Part II. Scientific underpinnings. Regulation of food intake and body weight / Julian G. Mercer -- The development of children's shape and weight concerns / Andrew J. Hill -- Relation of dieting to eating pathology / Eric Stice, Emily Burton, Michael Lowe and Meghan Butryn -- Physical and cognitive changes associated with puberty / Victor M. Fornari and Ida F. Dancyger -- Genetic influences in the development of eating disorders / Shani Leor, Orit Krispin and Alan Apter -- Epidemiology of eating disorders / Søren Nielsen -- Neuroimaging / Janet Treasure and Hans-christoph Friederich.
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Part III. Abnormal states. Anorexia nervosa in children and adolescents / Rachel Bryant-Waugh -- Eating disorders in boys / Brett McDermott -- Bingeing and bulimia nervosa in children and adolescents / Leora Pinhas, Debra K. Katzman, Gina Dimitropoulos and D. Blake Woodside -- Selective eating and other atypical eating problems / Dasha Nicholls and Tony Jaffa -- Comorbid anxiety and depression and the role of trauma in children and adolescents with eating disorders / Timothy D. Brewerton -- Eating disorders in children with disabilities and chronic illness / Peter B. Sullivan -- Childhood obesity / Caroline Braet.
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Part IV. Evidence-based care. Assessment and treatment of acute medical complications during the refeeding process / Carl Laird Birmingham -- Assessment and treatment of chronic medical complications / Richard E. Kreipe -- Individual psychotherapy / Phillipa P.J. Hay and Brett McDermott -- Evidence-based family psychotherapy interventions / James Lock and Jennifer Couturier -- Models of service delivery / Simon Gowers and Lynne Green -- Psychopharmacology and eating disorders / Kristine J. Steffen, James L. Roerig and James E. Mitchell.
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Part V. Public health perspectives. Longitudinal perspectives, outcome and prognosis / Hans-Christoph steinhausen -- Primary prevention of eating disorders / Greta Noordenbos -- Strategies for secondary prevention / Greta Noordenbos.
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A collection of writings by international practitioners discussing eating disorders in children and adolescents. Examines the history, diagnosis, and evidenced-based treatments of the disorders; and public health perspectives.
Eating disorders in adolescence.
Eating disorders in children.
Feeding and Eating Disorders.
44.91 psychiatry, psychopathology.
Comportement alimentaire, Troubles du, chez l'adolescent.
Comportement alimentaire, Troubles du, chez l'enfant.
Eating disorders in adolescence.
Eating disorders in children.
Troubles de l'alimentation et des conduites alimentaires de l'enfant.