Book Cover; Title; Performance Research; Copyright; Preface; Editorial A Letter to You; The Present of Memory: Théâtre Demodesastr in Performance ; LA PORTE, OU JE RÊVE D'UN MONDE; THE VIEW FROM THE DOOR; ... SES MÉCHANTES FARCES [THEIR NAUGHTY TRICKS]; PETITS NUMÉROS; LANGUAGE AND THE HYMN TO DIFFERENCE; REFERENCES; A Letter from Holland; The Essential Theatre of Needcompany ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; Letters to and from Hamburg; UEBERFLUSS II; Kids and Pets: the Authentic in Contemporary Performance; Writing-Text-Performance; REFERENCES; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; A Letter from Livõd Ránda.
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Deutsches Tanzarchiv KölnNOTE; INFORMATION; Performance Research: Letters from Europe.
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From Logos to Landscape: Text in Contemporary Dramaturgy REFERENCES; Text as Landscape ; NOTE; REFERENCES; Performed through; REFERENCES; Displacing the Haptic: Performance Art, the Photographic Document, and the 1970s ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; The Scream ; TO LISTEN; MUTENESS; 'THE SCREAM SERVES NO PURPOSE'; TO IMITATE, TO RECORD THE SCREAM*; SPACING THE SCREAM; THE GRIMACE OF TIME; THE IMAGE OF THE SCREAM; TO SCREAM FOR SILENCE; REFERENCES; A Letter from Belgrade ; REFERENCES; A Letter from Bosnia; The Night and the Dreams ; PROCESS OF FREEDOM; DIALOGUE AND CONFRONTATION; BIBLIOGRAPHY.
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VIDEOGRAPHYA Letter from Europe DearYuguang, How are you? I arrived in Paris the day before yesterday. I was completely unmoved by 'Charles de Gaulle'; these airports have a sort of 'proto-modernity' which is familiar to us. Like huge laboratories, they areextremely convenient and yet they drain people of their energy. Before long there will be many such places in China. After sitting in an aeroplane for ten hours and then being confronted by this facet of Paris, I was made suddenly tired. But then I took ; Book Reviews; Archive Reviews; VIDEO ERGO SUM; REFERENCE; INFORMATION.
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Letters from theatre makers, artists and critics, each one a framing device examining Europe's performance forms - the old and new dramaturgies and the shifting relationships of text and performance.