Preface; Contents; Chapter 1 The Rise of Knowledge Management: In Pursuit of Excellence; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Drivers of KM; Knowledge Economy; Knowledge Organisation; Knowledge Work and Workers; 1.3 Outcomes of KM; Risk Minimisation; Efficiency and Effectiveness Improvement; Process and Product Innovation; 1.4 KM Frameworks; Partial KM Frameworks; Integrated KM Frameworks; 1.5 Conclusions; References; Chapter 2 Managing Knowledge with Technology: Mission Possible; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Technology and Integrated KM; 2.3 Categorisation of Technology Roles; Building Knowledge Repositories.
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6.5 ConclusionsReferences; Chapter 7 Interactive Idea Generator: Stimulating Creative Thinking; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Creativity in Decision-Making; Creative Processes and Techniques; Socio-Technological Influences; 7.3 Tool Description; 7.4 Tool Evaluation; Study Description; Results; Discussion; 7.5 Conclusions; References; Chapter 8 Electronic Mentor: Fostering Knowledge Development; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Learning from Feedback and Guidance; Research Questions; 8.3 Empirical Study; Experimental Task; Experimental Design and Variables; Time Series Generation; Subjects and Procedure; Results.
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Chapter 4 Structured Knowledge Repositories: Building Corporate Memories4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Concept of Knowledge Repository; 4.3 Facilitating Knowledge Extraction from Repositories; Structuring Knowledge Content; Providing Guidance to Knowledge; 4.4 Empirical Study; Experimental Task; Experimental Design and Variables; Subjects and Procedure; Results; 4.5 Lessons Learned; Main Findings; Limitations and Implications; 4.6 Conclusions; References; Chapter 5 Knowledge Maps: Locating and Acquiring Expert Advice; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Understanding Knowledge Maps; Concept Based k-maps.
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Competency Based k-mapsProcess Based k-maps; Research Objectives; 5.3 Competency Map Description; 5.4 Empirical Test; Experiment Description; Results; Effectiveness Impacts; Efficiency Impacts; Other Issues; 5.5 Conclusions; References; Chapter 6 Knowledge Discovery Tools: Application in Associations Analysis; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Knowledge Discovery from Data; Process; Approaches and Technologies; 6.3 Empirical Study; Research Objectives; Research Methodology; Experimental Design and Variables; Participants and Procedure; Results; 6.4 Lessons Learned; Main Findings; Other Issues.
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Facilitating Knowledge Search and DiscoveryPromoting Virtual Socialisation and Collaboration; Stimulating Creativity and Complex Problem Solving; 2.4 Issues and Challenges for Practice and Research; 2.5 Conclusions; References; Chapter 3 Web-based Knowledge Records: Empowering Societies; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The World Wide Web; 3.3 The Concept of Knowledge Record; 3.4 Case study: Exploring Australian Web Sites; Achieving a Fairer Society; Achieving a Wiser Society; 3.5 Issues and Challenges; 3.6 Australian Standard Guidelines; 3.7 Conclusions; References.
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This book discusses the role of technology in managingknowledge. Based on the most recent research and experience, the bookbrings together, in a logical sequence, diverse information andcommunication technologies and systems currently seen in knowledgemanagement research and practice, incorporating the most important andrepresentative examples into an integrated framework. With its largelyempirical focus, the book provides much needed evidence regarding thetrue potential of technology for managing knowledge in organizations.