Book Cover; Title; Contents; Introduction; Acknowledgments; Male Feminism; Men in Feminism: Men and Feminist Theory; Men in Feminism: Men and Feminist Theory; Demonstrating Sexual Difference; Men in Feminism: Odor di Uomo or Compagnons de Route?; Walking the Tightrope of Feminism and Male Desire; A Man's Place; Femmeninism; No Question of Silence; A Double Life (Femmeninism II); Dreaming Dissymmetry: Barthes, Foucault, and Sexual Difference; French Theory and the Seduction of Feminism; Critical Cross-Dressing: Male Feminists and the Woman of the Year; Response; Elaine Showalter Replies.
Text of Note
The first substantial attempt to produce a dialogue between feminists and their male allies, this collection of essays assesses the benefits or disadvantages of male participation in feminism.