Alternative splicing. Session introduction / H. Wang and C. Lee -- Design of a high-throughput assay for alternative splicing using polymerase colonies / J.D. Buhler [and others] -- The effects of alternative splicing on transmembrane proteins in the mouse genome / M.S. Cline [and others] -- Genome-wide detection of alternative splicing in expressed sequences using partial order multiple sequence alignment graphs / C. Grasso [and others] -- Detection of novel splice forms in human and mouse using cross-species approach / Z. Kan [and others] -- Extensive search for discriminative features of alternative splicing / H. Sakai and O. Maruyama -- Transcriptome and genome conservation of alternative splicing events in humans and mice / C.W. Sugnet [and others] -- A database designed to computationally aid an experimental approach to alternative splicing / C.L. Zheng [and others] -- Computational tools for complex trait gene mapping. Session Introduction / F. de la Vega, K.K. Kidd, and A. Collins -- Pedigree generation for analysis of genetic linkage and association / M.P. Bass, E.R. Martin, and E.R. Hauser -- A Markov chain approach to reconstruction of long haplotypes / L. Eronen, F. Geerts, and H. Toivonen -- Tradeoff between no-call reduction in genotyping error rate and loss of sample size for genetic case/control association studies / S.J. Kang [and others] -- A comparison of different strategies for computing confidence intervals of the linkage disequilibrium measure D' / S.K. Kim, K. Zhang, and F. Sun -- Multiplexing schemes for generic SNP genotyping assays / R. Sharan, A. Ben-Dor and Z. Yakhini -- Haplotype block definition and its application / X. Zhu [and others] -- Biomedical ontologies. Session introduction / O. Bodenreidel, J.A. Mitchell, and A.T. McCray -- Part-of relations in anatomy ontologies: a proposal for RDFS and OWL formalisations / J.S. Aitken, B.L. Webber, and J.B.L. Bard -- Building mouse phenotype ontologies / G.V. Gkoutos [and others] -- An evidence ontology for use in pathway/genome databases / P.D. Karp [and others] -- Terminological mapping for high throughput comparative biology of phenotypes / Y.A. Lussier and J. Li -- The compositional structure of gene ontology terms / P.V. Ogren [and others] -- Defaults, context, and knowledge: alternatives for OWL-indexed knowledge bases / A. Rector -- Biological nomenclatures: a source of lexical knowledge and ambiguity / O. Tuason [and others] -- Investigating implicit knowledge in ontologies with application to the anatomical domain / S. Zhang and O. Bodenreider -- Joint learning from multiple types of genomic data. Session introduction / A. Hartemink and E. Segal -- ProGreSS: simultaneous searching of protein databases by sequence and structure / A. Bhattacharya [and others] -- Predicting the operon structure of bacillus subtilis using operon length, intergene distance, and gene expression information / M.J.L. De Hoon [and others].
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Combining text mining and sequence analysis to discover protein functional regions / E. Eskin and E. Agichtein -- Kernel-based data fusion and its application to protein function prediction in yeast / G.R.G. Lanckriet [and others] -- Discovery of binding motif pairs from protein complex structural data and protein interaction sequence data / H. Li [and others] -- Phylogenetic motif detection by expectation-maximization on evolutionary mixtures / A.M. Moses, D.Y. Chiang, and M.B. Eisen -- Using protein-protein interactions for refining gene networks estimated from microarray data by Bayesian networks / N. Nariai [and others] -- Motif discovery in heterogeneous sequence data / A. Prakash [and others] -- Negative information for motif discovery / K.T. Takusagawa and D.K. Gifford -- Informatics approaches in structural genomics. Session introduction / S.D. Mooney, P.E. Bourne, and P.C. Babbitt -- The status of structural genomics defined through the analysis of current targets and structures / P.E. Bourne [and others] -- Protein structure and fold prediction using tree-augmented naïve Bayesian classifier / A. Chinnasamy, W.-K. Sung, and A. Mittal -- Clustering protein sequence and structure space with infinite Gaussian mixture models / A. Dubey [and others] -- Accurate classification of protein structural families using coherent subgraph analysis / J. Huan [and others] -- Identifying good predictions of RNA secondary structure / M.E. Nebelss -- Exploring bias in the protein data bank using contrast classifiers / K. Peng, Z. Obradovic, and S. Vucetic -- Geometric analysis of cross-linkability for protein fold discrimination / S. Potluri [and others] -- Protein fold recognition through application of residual dipolar coupling data / Y. Qu [and others] -- Computational and symbolic systems biology. Session introduction / T. Ideker; E. Neumann, and V. Schachter -- A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) framework for inferring time delay in gene regulatory networks / M.S. Dasika, A. Gupta, and C.D. Maranas -- Robust identification of large genetic networks / D. Di Bernardo, T.S. Gardner, and J.J. Collins -- Reconstructing chain functions in genetic networks / I. Gat-Viks [and others] -- Inferring gene regulatory networks from raw data -- a molecular epistemics approach / D.A. Kightley, N. Chandra, and K. Elliston -- A Biospi model of lymphocyte-endothelial interactions in inflamed brain venules / P. Lecca [and others] -- Modeling cellular processes with variational Bayesian cooperative vector quantizer / X. Lu, M. Hauskrecht, and R.S. Day -- Symbolic inference of xenobiotic metabolism / D.C. McShan, M. Updadhayaya, and I. Shah -- Finding optimal models for small gene networks / S. Ott, S. Imoto, and S. Miyano -- Pathway logic modeling of protein functional domains in signal transduction / C. Talcott [and others] -- Modeling gene expression from microarray expression data with state-space equations / F.X. Wu, W.J. Zhang, and A.J. Kusalik.
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The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2004) is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research on the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. The rigorously peer-reviewed papers and presentations are collected in this archival proceedings volume. PSB is a forum for the presentation of work on databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology. PSB 2004 brings together top researchers from the US, the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world to exchange research findings and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology.