The story chronicles the Chindits, a band of African soldiers enlisted by the British military and sent to Burma to fight the Japanese. Among them is Farabiti Banana, a 14-year-old Nigerian who becomes a soldier to follow the lead of his friends and hopes the military will make him a man. Once out of training, life becomes increasingly dangerous for Banana and his eight fellow Chindits, and by the novel's climax, he's become a man, but at a great cost.--From Publisher's Weekly.
Child soldiers-- Africa, Fiction.
Soldiers, Black-- Africa, Fiction.
World War, 1939-1945-- Campaigns-- Burma, Fiction.
World War, 1939-1945-- Participation, Juvenile, Fiction.
Coming of age, Fiction.
Child soldiers.
Military campaigns.
Military participation-- Juvenile.
Soldiers, Black.
World War, 1939-1945-- Campaigns-- Burma, Fiction.