Megacities; Preface; Contents; List of Contributors; 1. : Introduction: Megacities, Urban Form, and Sustainability; 1.1 A World of Giant Cities; 1.2 Sustainable Megacities?; References; Part I: Asia; 2. : Tokyo's Urban Growth, Urban Form and Sustainability; 3. : In Search of Sustainable Urban Form for Seoul; 4. : Sustainable Development, Urban Form, and Megacity Governance and Planning in Tehran; 5. : Re-Forming the Megacity: Calcutta and the Rural-Urban Interface*; 6. : Landscapes of Water in Delhi: Negotiating Global Norms and Local Cultures.
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15. : Socially Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of São Paulo16. : Sustainability and Urban Form: The Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires*; Part IV: Conclusion; 17. : Megacity Sustainability: Urban Form, Development, and Governance.
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7. : Bangkok's Urban Evolution: Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Sustainability8. : Urban Dualism in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area; Part II: Europe and North America; 9. : Strategic Planning for London: Integrating City Design and Urban Transportation; 10. : Towards an Ecological Urbanism for Istanbul; 11. : Toronto Megacity: Growth, Planning Institutions, Sustainability; 12. : Los Angeles: Urban Development in the Postsuburban Megacity; Part III: Latin America; 13. : Mexico City: Power, Equity, and Sustainable Development; 14. : Bogotá's Recovery Process.
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For the first time in human history, more than half the world's population is urban. A fundamental aspect of this transformation has been the emergence of giant cities, or megacities, that present major new challenges. This book examines how issues of megacity development, urban form, sustainability, and unsustainability are conceived, how governance processes are influenced by these ideas, and how these processes have in turn influenced outcomes on the ground, in some cases in transformative ways. Through 15 in-depth case studies by prominent researchers from around the world, this book exami.