The person and the situation / D. Brent Smith -- Seeking explanations in people not in the results of their behavior: twenty-plus years of the attraction-selection-attrition model / Marcus W. Dickson, Christian J. Resick, and Harold Goldstein -- The people make the place complicated / Susan E. Jackson and Yunhyung Chung -- When do people make the place?: considering the interactionist foundations of the attraction-selection-attrition model / Jennifer A. Chatman, Elaine M. Wong, and Caneel Joyce -- The attraction-selection-attrition model and staffing: some multilevel implications / Robert E. Ployhart and Neal Schmitt -- A network model of organizational climate: friendship clusters, subgroup agreement, and climate schemas / Daniel A. Newman, Paul J. Hanges, Lili Duan, and Anuradha ramesh -- Cognitions in organizations and teams: what is the meaning of cognitive similarity? / Joan R. Rentsch, Erika E. Small, and Paul J. Hanges -- Linking various perspectives on service / David Bowen.
Text of Note
"This volume, in honor of Ben Schneider, highlights Ben's work on the Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) model of organizational behavior which has become one of the most important models in the history of personnel psychology. The central tenet of the ASA model is that people matter. Although organizational structure processes, and climate and culture are important, they are fundamentally a reflection of the unique collection of people who populate an organization." "This edited volume of original scholarly contributions will add insight to the many implications of Schneider's thinking on the ASA model and organizational climate. Given the popularity of Schneider's original article on this model and the amount of research it spawned, this volume will be of interest to all academics and practitioners in the organizational sciences."--Jacket.