Includes bibliographical references (pages 83-84).
Text of Note
Introduction -- Antennas under a multilayer dielectric slab -- Introduction -- Radiation due to an electric dipole -- Evaluation of the horizontal component using chainmatrix -- Evaluation of the vertical component -- Field projection -- Evaluation of the horizontal component using S chain matrix -- Radiation due to a magnetic dipole -- Evaluation of the horizontal component using chainmatrix -- Evaluation of the vertical component -- Field projection -- Evaluation of the horizontal component using S chain matrix -- Results verification -- Applications -- Thin wire monopole antenna in a two-layer structure -- DRA in a four-layer structure -- Conclusions -- Antennas under a polarized multilayer structure -- Introduction -- Radiation due to an electric dipole -- Radiation due to a magnetic dipole -- Asymptotic boundary conditions -- PEC-type asymptotic boundary conditions -- PMC-type asymptotic boundary conditions -- Applications -- Cross polarization reduction -- Polarizer -- Discussion -- Conclusions -- Hertzian dipole model for an antenna -- Introduction -- Narrowband Hertzian dipole model -- Particle swarm optimization method -- PSO model for getting a narrowband dipole model -- Limitations of the narrowband model -- Wideband Hertzian dipole model -- PSO model for getting a wideband dipole model -- Modeling of a wideband antenna -- Application -- Rejection of Gaussian noise -- Frequency scalability -- Conclusions -- A derivation of equations in chapter 2 -- Derivation of equation (2.24) -- Derivation of equation (2.29) -- Derivation of equation (2.30) -- Maxima source code -- Maxima source code for a PEC-SI -- Maxima source code for a PMC-SI.
Text of Note
This book gives a step-by-step presentation of a generalized transmission line method to study the far-zone radiation of antennas under a multilayer structure. Normally, a radiation problem requires a fullwave analysis which may be time consuming. The beauty of the generalized transmission line method is that it transforms the radiation problem for a specific type of structure, say the multilayer structure excited by an antenna, into a circuit problem that can be efficiently analyzed. Using the Reciprocity Theorem and far-field approximation, the method computes the far-zone radiation due to a Hertzian dipole within a multilayer structure by solving an equivalent transmission line circuit. Since an antenna can be modeled as a set of Hertzian dipoles, the method could be used to predict the far-zone radiation of an antenna under a multilayer structure. The analytical expression for the far-zone field is derived for a structure with or without a polarizer. The procedure of obtaining the Hertzian dipole model that is required by the generalized transmission line method is also described. Several examples are given to demonstrate the capabilities, accuracy, and efficiency of this method.
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Generalized Transmission Line Method to Study the Far-zone Radiation of Antennas Under a Multilayer Structure.