Basic Structural Behavior and Design of Low-Rise, Bearing Wall Buildings -- Basic Structural Behavior of Low-Rise, Bearing Wall Buildings -- Basic Structural Design of Low-Rise, Masonry Buildings -- Materials Used in Masonry Construction -- Basic Components of Masonry -- Masonry Mortar -- Masonry Grout -- General Information on ASTM Specifications for Masonry Units -- Clay Masonry Units -- Concrete Masonry Units -- Properties of Masonry Assemblages -- Masonry Accessory Materials -- Design of Masonry Structures Requiring Little Structural Calculation -- How to Increase Resistance of Masonry to Water Penetration -- Code Basis for Structural Design of Masonry Buildings -- Introduction to Building Codes in the United States -- Introduction to the Calculation of Design Loading Using the 2009 IBC -- Gravity Loads According to the 2009 IBC -- Wind Loading According to the 2009 IBC -- Earthquake Loading -- Loading Combinations of the 2009 IBC -- Summary of Strength Design Provisions of 2008 MSJC Code -- Summary of Allowable-Stress Design Provisions of 2008 MSJC Code -- Additional Information on Code Basis for Structural Design of Masonry Buildings -- Introduction to MSJC Treatment of Structural Design -- Basic Mechanical Behavior of Masonry -- Classification of Masonry Elements -- Classification of Masonry Elements by Structural Function -- Classification of Masonry Elements by Design Intent -- Design Approaches for Masonry Elements -- How Reinforcement is Used in Masonry Elements -- How This Book Classifies Masonry Elements -- Strength Design of Unreinforced Masonry Elements -- Strength Design of Unreinforced Panel Walls -- Strength Design of Unreinforced Bearing Walls -- Strength Design of Unreinforced Shear Walls -- Strength Design of Anchor Bolts -- Required Details for Unreinforced Bearing Walls and Shear Walls -- Strength Design of Reinforced Masonry Elements -- Strength Design of Reinforced Beams and Lintels -- Strength Design of Reinforced Curtain Walls -- Strength Design of Reinforced Bearing Walls -- Strength Design of Reinforced Shear Walls -- Required Details for Reinforced Bearing Walls and Shear Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Unreinforced Masonry Elements -- Allowable-Stress Design of Unreinforced Panel Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Unreinforced Bearing Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Unreinforced Shear Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Anchor Bolts -- Required Details for Unreinforced Bearing Walls and Shear Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Reinforced Masonry Elements -- Review: Behavior of Cracked, Transformed Sections -- Allowable-Stress Design of Reinforced Beams and Lintels -- Allowable-Stress Design of Curtain Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Reinforced Bearing Walls -- Allowable-Stress Design of Reinforced Shear Walls -- Required Details for Reinforced Bearing Walls and Shear Walls -- Comparison of Design by the Allowable-Stress Approach versus the Strength Approach -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress and Strength Design of Unreinforced Panel Walls -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress Design and Strength Design of Unreinforced Bearing Walls -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress Design and Strength Design of Unreinforced Shear Walls -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress and Strength Designs for Anchor Bolts -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress and Strength Designs for Reinforced Beams and Lintels -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress and Strength Designs for Reinforced Curtain Walls -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress and Strength Designs for Reinforced Bearing Walls -- Comparison of Allowable-Stress and Strength Designs for Reinforced Shear Walls -- Lateral Load Analysis of Shear-Wall Structures -- Classification of Horizontal Diaphragms as Rigid or Flexible -- Lateral Load Analysis of Shear-Wall Structures with Rigid Floor Diaphragms -- Lateral Load Analysis and Design of Shear-Wall Structures with Flexible Floor Diaphragms -- The Simplest of All Possible Analytical Worlds -- Design and Detailing of Floor and Roof Diaphragms -- Introduction to Design of Diaphragms -- Typical Connection Details for Roof and Floor Diaphragms -- Strength Design Example: One-Story Building with Reinforced Concrete Masonry -- Design Steps for One-Story Building -- Step 1: Choose Design Criteria -- Step 2: Design Walls for Gravity plus Out-of-Plane Loads -- Step 3: Design Lintels -- Summary So Far -- Step 4: Conduct Lateral Force Analysis, Design Roof Diaphragm -- Step 5: Design Wall Segments -- Step 6: Design and Detail Connections -- Strength Design Example: Four-Story Building with Clay Masonry -- Design Steps for Four-Story Example -- Step 1: Choose Design Criteria, Specify Materials -- Step 2: Design Transverse Shear Walls for Gravity plus Earthquake Loads -- Step 3: Design Exterior Walls for Gravity Plus Out-of-Plane Wind -- Overall Comments on Four-Story Building Example -- Structural Design of AAC Masonry -- Introduction to Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) -- Applications of AAC -- Structural Design of AAC Elements -- Design of Unreinforced Panel Walls of AAC Masonry -- Design of Unreinforced Bearing Walls of AAC Masonry -- Design of Unreinforced Shear Walls of AAC Masonry -- Design of Reinforced Beams and Lintels of AAC Masonry -- Design of Reinforced Curtain Walls of AAC Masonry -- Design of Reinforced Bearing Walls of AAC Masonry -- Design of Reinforced Shear Walls of AAC Masonry -- Seismic Design of AAC Structures -- Design Example: Three-Story AAC Shear-Wall Hotel -- References on AAC -- Additional References on AAC.
Text of Note
"Written by the former chair of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC), this authoritative volume covers the design of masonry structures using the 2009 International Building Code and the 2008 MSJC Code and Specification. Masonry Structural Design emphasizes the strength design of masonry and includes allowable-stress provisions. Innovations such as autoclaved aerated concrete masonry (AAC) are also discussed. Real-world case studies featuring a low-rise building with reinforced concrete masonry and a four-story building with clay masonry illustrate the techniques presented in this comprehensive resource."--Jacket.