Series in machine perception and artificial intelligence ;
Volume Designation
v. 66
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Text of Note
Ch. 1. Finite array automata and regular array grammars / A. Atanasiu [and others] -- ch. 2. L-convex polyominoes: a survey / G. Castiglione and A. Restivo -- ch. 3. On oriented labelling parameters / D. Gonc̮alves, A. Raspaud and M.A. Shalu -- ch. 4. On a variant of parallel communicating grammar systems with communication by command / E. Csuhaj-Varjú and Gy. Vaszil -- ch. 5. Some remarks on homogeneous generating networks of free evolutionary processors / J. Dassow, C. Martín-Vide and V. Mitrana -- ch. 6. Hexagonal contextual array P systems / K.S. Dersanambika [and others] -- ch. 7. A q-Analogue of the Parikh matrix mapping / Ö. Eǧecioǧlu and O.H. Ibarra -- ch. 8. Contextual array grammars / R. Freund, Gh. Paun and G. Rozenberg -- ch. 9. Characterizing tractability by cell-like membrane systems / M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo [and others] -- ch. 10. A cosmic muse / T. Head -- ch. 11. Sublogarithmically space-bounded alternating one-pebble turing machines with only universal states / K. Inoue, A. Ito and A. Inoue -- ch. 12. Verification of clock synchronization in TTP / K. Kalyanosundaram and R.K. Shyamasundar -- ch. 13. Triangular pasting system / T. Kalyani -- ch. 14. Towards reducing parallelism in P systems / S.N. Krishna and R. Rama -- ch. 15. Iteration lemmata for rational, linear, and algebraic languages over algebraic structures with several binary operations / M. Kudlek -- ch. 16. The computational efficiency of insertion deletion tissue P systems / K. Lakshmanan and R. Rama -- ch. 17. Petri nets, event structures and algebra / K. Lodaya -- ch. 18. Pattern generation and parsing by array grammars / K. Morita, J.-S. Qi and K. Imai -- ch. 19. Anchored concatenation of MSCs / M. Mukund [and others] -- ch. 20. Simple deformation of 4D digital pictures / A. Nakamura -- ch. 21. Probabilistic inference in test tube and its application to gene expression profiles / Y. Sakakibara [and others] -- ch. 22. On languages defined by numerical parameters / A. Salomaa -- ch. 23. An application of regular tree grammars / P. Shankar -- ch. 24. Digitalization of Kolam patterns and tactile Kolam tools / S. Nagata and R. Thamburaj -- ch. 25. Hexagonal array acceptors and learning / D.G. Thomas [and others] -- ch. 26. Pollard's Rho split knowledge scheme / M.K. Viswanath and K.P. Vidya -- ch. 27. Characterizations for some classes of codes defined by binary relations / D.L. Van and K.V. Hung.
Text of Note
A collection of articles by leading experts in theoretical computer science, this volume commemorates the 75th birthday of Professor Rani Siromoney, one of the pioneers in the field in India. The articles span the vast range of areas that Professor Siromoney has worked in or influenced, including grammar systems, picture languages and new models of computation. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Finite Array Automata and Regular Array Grammars (150 KB). Contents: Finite Array Automata and Regular Array Grammars (A Atanasiu et al.); Hexagonal Contextual Array P Systems (K S Dersanambika et al.); Con.