Customers: delight your audience -- Performance: your role of a lifetime -- Planning: a good script begins with thoughtful consideration -- Communication: choose the right lines in the cript -- Leadership: great performances need great direction -- Preparation: things are going to change -- Training: learn your lines -- Teamwork: the actors make the cast -- Motivation: monitoring the process -- Feedback: rave reviews and poor reviews -- Meetings: on the spot rehearsals -- Conflict: every production has turmoil -- Commitment: take it from the top -- Quick tips: cue cards.
Text of Note
This book provides fast, proven advice for busy managers and business owners with little time to search for solutions. Filled with 101 effective tips in all, plus additional tools, encouraging quotes, and unique "When this happens, try this" sections, it contains powerful advice on crucial customer service management topics, including: planning and goal setting; coaching and development; leadership; effective communication and feedback; preparing for change; continual learning; motivational and problem-solving meetings; conflict resolution; and follow-up and staying on top of the game. The ability to deliver top-of-the-line customer service is a key factor in keeping profits high and customers coming back - and there is always a need for great customer service books.