Biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne -- Plot summary of "Young Goodman Brown" -- List of characters in "Young Goodman Brown" -- Critical views on "Young Goodman Brown." Henry James on imagination and allegory ; Darrel Abel on the pink ribbon as symbol ; Joan Elizabeth Easterly on Goodman Brown's spiritual failure ; Walter Shear on time and social fantasy ; Benjamin Franklin V on the Puritan catechism -- Plot summary of "The minister's black veil" -- List of characters in "The minister's black veil" -- Critical views on "The minister's black veil." James R. Mellow on Hawthorne's veil ; Richard H. Brodhead on Hawthorne and Melville ; William Freedman on the veil as symbol ; Edgar A. Dryden on the story as parable ; Samuel Chase Coale on Hooper and the veil -- Plot summary of "The Maypole of Merry Mount" -- List of characters in "The Maypole of Merry Mount" -- Critical views on "The Maypole of Merry Mount." Harry Levin on the setting of the story ; Terrence Martin on conflict in the story ; John F. Birk on Milton's influence on the story ; David D. Joplin on Hawthorne and Milton ; Michael J. Colacurcio on the story as allegory -- Plot summary of "Rappaccini's daughter" -- List of characters in "Rappaccini's daughter" -- Critical views on "Rappaccini's daughter." Jac Tharpe on Beatrice ; John N. Miller on false leads in the story ; Ronald J. Nelson on sources for Pietro Baglioni ; Carol M. Bensick on modern interpretations ; Patricia M. Roger on the physical and the spiritual ; Anna Brickhouse on the Mexican genealogy of the story -- Plot summary of "Roger Malvin's burial" -- List of characters in "Roger Malvin's burial" -- Critical views on "Roger Malvin's burial." Patricia Anne Carlson on setting and interpretation ; Shifra Hochberg on the significance of names in the story ; G.R. Thompson on strategies of narrative intervention ; Michael J. Colacurcio on Reuben Bourne's logic ; Nancy Bunge on the theme of the story.
Text of Note
Presents plot summaries, characters, and critical views on the author's best known short stories, including "Young Goodman Brown" and "The minister's black veil," and includes biographical information.
Nathaniel Hawthorne.
International Standard Book Number
Hawthorne, Nathaniel,1804-1864-- Criticism and interpretation