3.5 Laser, microwaves, and solar energy deposition.
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Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; List of contributors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Glossary; 1 Recent progress in interpreting the nature of the near-Earth object population; 1 Introduction; 2 Dynamical origin of NEOs; 2.1 The near-Earth asteroid population; 2.2 The 3:1 resonance; 2.3 The 3:1 resonance; 2.4 Diffusive resonances; 2.5 Near-Earth comets; 2.6 Evolution in NEO space; 3 Quantitative modeling of the NEO population; 4 The debiased NEO population; 5 Nearly isotropic comets; 6 The albedo distribution of the NEOs; 7 The Spaceguard goal; 7.1 Modeling the detection of the NEO population.
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2 Collisional evolution2.1 Impactor populations; 2.2 Response to impacts; 3 Structural nomenclature; 3.1 Kinds of aggregates; 3.2 Volatiles and cohesion; 4 The case for strength; 5 Shoemaker-Levy 9; 5.1 Tidal disruption modeling; 6 Sizeand rate-dependent strength; 6.1 Rate dependence; 7 Rotation rates; 8 Simulating the giant craters; 8.1 Ida; 8.2 Eros; 8.3 Mathilde; 9 Survival of the weakest; 9.1 Compaction cratering; 10 Tomographic and seismic imaging of asteroid and comet interiors; 10.1 Recommendations; 11 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References.
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4.1 A simulated impact scenario4.2 Negative predictions, positive predictions, and warning time; 4.3 1950 DA; 5 Physical characterization; 5.1 Images and physical models; 5.2 Extreme diversity; 5.3 Surface roughness and bulk density; 5.4 Binary NEAs: mass and density; 5.5 Radar investigations, mission design, and spacecraft navigation; 5.6 Modeling the efficiency of explosive deflection; 5.7 Comets; 6 Recommendations; Acknowledgment; References; 4 Interior structures for asteroids and cometary nuclei; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Comets; 1.2 Asteroids; 1.3 Satellite pairs; 1.4 Distinctions.
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5 What we know and don't know about surfaces of potentially hazardous small bodies1 Introduction; 2 Eros; 3 Other asteroids; 4 Comets; 5 Conclusions; References; 6 About deflecting asteroids and comets; 1 Introduction; 2 Previous results; 2.1 Impacts; 2.2 Standoff nuclear weapons; 2.3 Surface and sub-surface explosions; 2.4 Disruption and dispersion; 2.5 Summary of previous results; 3 New analyses and porous asteroids; 3.1 Impacts into non-porous asteroids; 3.2 Impacts into porous asteroids; 3.3 Explosions on or below the surface; 3.4 Standoff nuclear blasts.
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7.2 Prospects for achieving the Spaceguard goal8 Conclusions; References; 2 Earth impactors: orbital characteristics and warning times; 1 Introduction; 2 Derivation of synthetic impactors; 3 Impactor orbital characteristics; 4 Impactor observability; 5 Survey simulations; 6 Warning time: post-detection issues; 7 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 3 The role of radar in predicting and preventing asteroid and comet collisions with Earth; 1 Introduction; 2 Post-discovery astrometric follow-up; 3 Window of predictability; 4 Radar and collision probability prediction.