Revolution. Little black fish -- Islamic Republic -- The period of constant contemplation -- Baptism of blood -- Rebirth -- Expansion and contraction -- Thermidor -- The second of Khordad -- Reform -- The chain murders -- The eighteenth of Tir -- Master plans -- The miracle room -- The spider's house -- Postmortem -- Resistance -- A common man -- Asieh -- The epic of dirt and dust -- The end of the dirty wars of intellectuals.
Text of Note
In 1979, seemingly overnight-- moving at a clip some thirty years faster than the rest of the world-- Iran became the first revolutionary theocracy in modern times. Since then, the country has been largely a black box to the West. But inside Iran, a breathtaking drama has unfolded over those years, as religious thinkers, political operatives, poets, journalists, and activists have imagined and reimagined what Iran should be. Drawing as deeply on the traditions of the West as of the East, they have acted upon their beliefs with urgency and passion, and have frequently risked their very lives.--