The bait surcharge program: research improves zinc phosphide use for vole control in alfalfa
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Sterner, Ray T.
Text of Note
This paper describes several unexpected benefits of rodenticide-registration research funded by the California Bait Surcharge Program. An enclosure-type study was conducted to determine efficacy of single, pre- and test-bait broadcasts (10 lb./ac.) of 0% and 2% zinc phosphide (Zn3P2, CAS #1314-84-7) steam-rolled-oat (SRO) groats to control voles (Microtus spp.) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Unexpected research spinoffs resulted from the use of: 1) eight randomly-located, sieved-dirt plots per enclosure to monitor bait distribution, bait removal, and rodent/avian (non-target) activity; 2) a bait-weathering plot and bait-sample analyses to monitor Zn3P2 biodeterioration; and 3) a C++- language program to derive theoretical benefit-cost ratios associated with Zn3P2-bait broadcasts