Whitty, Tara S; Bassett, Hannah R.; Bonito, Lindsay T.; Johnson, Ayana E; Edwards, Clinton; Palaretti, Cristiane; Moniz, Taylor
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Guidelines, Tools, and Tips for RapidlyCharacterizing Small-Scale Fisheries.
Text of Note
Recognizing the need for improved coordination, the Small-scale and Artisanal Fisheries Research Network (SAFRN), at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC), was established in 2010 by graduate students as an interdisciplinary hub of students, researchers, and faculty studying small-scale fisheries (SSF). Our goals are to: enhance communication and collaboration across disciplines, projects, and sectors; share research guidelines and methodologies; and connect research to meaningful management actions.SAFRN has developed the Snapshot Assessment Protocol (SnAP), an interdisciplinary, standardized toolkit for describing SSF holistically, including ecological, social, cultural, economic, and governance-related aspects of these fisheries and the related communities. SnAP is a key part of our 2011-2012 project, "Coordinating Research for Sustaining Artisanal Fisheries", funded by the Waitt Foundation.