Psychological Research on International Conflict and Nuclear Arms Issues:
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Feshbach, Seymour; Singer, Robert
Title Proper by Another Author
Possible Directions
Text of Note
The function of the two-day conference "Psychological Research on International Conflict and Nuclear Arms Issues" and its proceedings was three-fold: 1) to stimulate interest on the part of psychologists at the University of California, and of psychologists more broadly, in research efforts that are addressed to problems of international conflict resolution, the prevention of war, and the fostering of peace; 2) to formulate research issues that are germane to the avoidance of war and the quest for peace; and 3) to stimulate greater support by foundations, institutes, and related organizations concerned with peace and conflict resolution, of psychological research in these areas. The specific task of the conference was to formulate "requests for research proposals" (RFPs) addressed to psychological aspects of conflict reduction and the environment and maintenance of peaceful relations between nations.