Surface characterization data for tethered polyacrylic acid layers synthesized on polysulfone surfaces.
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Kim, Soomin; Moses, Kari J; Sharma, Shivani; Bilal, Muhammad; Cohen, Yoram
Text of Note
The data presented are supplementary to an article [Kim et al., 2019] on synthesis and surface characterization of tethered polyacrylic acid (PAA) layers on polysulfone (PSf) film/membrane surfaces via atmospheric pressure plasma-induced graft polymerization (APPIGP). Data on surface characterization of the synthesized tethered PAA layers includes: AFM topographic surface images and height distributions of surface features, dry layer thickness, chain rupture length distributions determined via AFM based force spectroscopy (AFM-FS), in addition to measurements of water contact angles. Fouling propensity data for ultrafiltration of alginic acid as a model foulant are also provided for native and PAA grafted PSf ultrafiltration (UF) membranes.