Remotigue, M. G.; Gaither, A.; Hamann, Bernd; Jean, B. A.; Mastin, C. W.; Parmley, K. P.; Soni, B. K.; Thompson, J. F.; Vaughan, P.; Editor(s): Weatherill, N. P.; Eisemann, P.; Haeuser, J.; Thompson, J. F.
Title Proper by Another Author
Making Dreams into Reality
Text of Note
The National Grid Project has been under development at the NSF Engineering Research Center at Mississippi State University since 1991. A summary of the progress to date is presented. The project utilizes Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) for the geometry with a solid modeling Boundary Representation (B-Rep) data structure to represent topology. Geometry can be imported into the system via the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES), discrete XYZ's (interpolated into NURBS), or can be internally created by CAD operations. The NURBS are used parametrically both the structured and unstructured grid generation. Volumetric structured and unstructured grids are generated, visualized, and evaluated within the program, allowing the user the flexibility and control of the grid process.