A Combined Molecular and Morphological Revision of Cirrospilini LaSalle (Hymenoptera:
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Perry, Ryan Kevin
Title Proper by Another Author
Eulophidae) with a Focus on Zagrammosoma Ashmead and Cirrospilus Westwood
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Heraty, John M
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UC Riverside
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Body granting the degree
UC Riverside
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Text of Note
The tribe Cirrospilini (Hymenoptera: Chalcidodea: Eulophidae) is revised in a combined molecular and morphological phylogenetic context, using ribosomal (18S, 28S, ITS2) and mitochondrial (COI) data, and scoring specimens for morphological characters. Twenty genera are now recognized in the tribe. Colpoclypeus Lucchese and Trichospilus Ferrière are included in Cirrospilini, while Cirrospiloidelleus Girault is removed. Melittobiopsis Timberlake is also removed from Cirrospilini, and raised to Melittobiopsini Perry n. tribe., sister to Eulophini Ashmead. Cirrospilus Westwood is revised and is split into 6 morphologically distinct genera: Atoposoma Masi stat. rev., Burkseus Perry, Cirrospilus str. s., Gyrolasella Girault stat. rev., Pseudozagramma Perry n. gen., and Vagus Perry n. gen. The new synonymy of Semielacher Bouček under Cirrospilus is proposed. The first worldwide key to all genera is presented, as well as distribution maps, and extensive specimen, host, and host plant records. Zagrammosoma Ashmead is molecularly revised using ribosomal (28S, ITS2) and mitochondrial (COI) data, with 24 species now recognized, including descriptions of 9 new species. A worldwide key, distribution maps, and image plates of all species are provided.