Includes bibliographical references (pages 354-394) and index.
Text of Note
Overture to The first writing / Stephen D. Houston -- The possibilty and actuality of writing / John S. Robertson -- Writing systems: a case study in cultural evolution / Bruce G. Trigger -- Babylonian beginnings: the origin of the cuneiform writing system in comparative perspective / Jerrold S. Cooper -- The state of decipherment of proto-Elamite / Robert K. Englund -- The earliest Egyptian writing: development, context, purpose / John Baines -- Anyang writing and the origin of the Chinese writing system / Robert W. Bagley -- Writing on shell and bone in Shang China / Françoise Bottéro -- Reasons for runes / Henrik Williams -- Writing in early Mesoamerica / Stephen D. Houston -- Beyond writing / Elizabeth Hill Boone -- Final thoughts on first writing / Stephen D. Houston.
Text of Note
"The theme of this book is the first writing systems - early cuneiform, proto-Elamite, Egyptian (all prior to 3000 BC, by some centuries), Chinese (prior to 1000 BC), and Maya and its Mesoamerican precursors (beginning ca. 500 BC) ... [and it] also looks more briefly at what might be called 'secondary inventions', including late ones like Scandinavian runic"--Page [3].