The first step -- How much and for how long? -- Where negotiations have led -- Where do we go from here? -- Reflections on the role of the private sector -- Elections, institutions, democracy -- Post-election realities -- The campaign against "Islamic terror" -- Modernity, information, and governance -- Total rejection and total acceptance are equivalent -- Mandela, Netanyahu, and Arafat -- The theory and practice of banning books and ideas -- On visiting Wadie -- Uprising against Oslo -- Responsibility and accountability -- Intellectuals and the crisis -- Whom to talk to -- The real meaning of the Hebron Agreement -- The uses of culture -- Loss of precision -- The context of Arafat's American visit -- Deir Yassin recalled -- Thirty years after -- The debate continues -- The next generation? -- Are there no limits to corruption? -- Reparations : power and conscience? -- Bombs and bulldozers -- Strategies of hope -- Israel at a loss -- Bases for coexistence -- Iraq and the Middle East crisis -- Isaiah Berlin : an afterthought -- Palestine and Israel : a fifty-year perspective -- The challenge of Israel : fifty years on -- The problem is inhumanity -- Gulliver in the Middle East -- Making history : constructing reality -- Scenes from Palestine -- End of the peace process, or beginning something else -- Art, culture, and nationalism -- Fifty years of dispossession -- New history, old ideas -- The other Wilaya -- Breaking the deadlock : a third way -- The final stage -- The end of the interim arrangements -- Incitement -- West Bank diary -- Truth and reconciliation.
Text of Note
In this important collection of fifty pieces, Edward Said questions the very foundations of the Oslo accords. Signed in September 1993 on the White House lawn by Israel and the PLO, the accords were immediately hailed as a success and a breakthrough for peace in the Middle East, but Said realized that the imbalance of power between the signees would set up a problematic dynamic, bringing only an illusionary stability. The later interim agreements of Taba, Hebron, and the Wye Plantation would already limit the next phase -- the final-status negotiations set to conclude this year, when the future condition of refugees, Jerusalem, borders, water and compensations must be decided. Incisively cutting through the hyperbole in the press surrounding the accords, these pieces document the historic content but also give otherwise unreported accounts of what has really gone on in the occupied territory since the signing. The continuing expansion of Israeli settlements, the repressive leadership and inflated bureaucracy of Yasir Arafat, Said's own return to Jerusalem after forty-five years, the subsequent banning of his books by the Palestinian Authority, and Oslo's inability to recognize Palestine's self-determination are among the issues of peace and justice he discusses. Together these essays are an eloquent and courageous statement for peaceful coexistence and equality between two peoples, and for an end to the separation of Jews and non-Jews -- the only hope for a lasting solution in the Middle East.
End of the peace process.
Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, (1993 September 13)
Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (1993 September 13)
Arab-Israeli conflict-- 1993-Peace.
15.59 history of great parts of the world, peoples, civilizations: other.